My Diary

Shamim Fahad,2 min read

Inspired by the desire for a comprehensive and personalized journaling experience, I embarked on creating a unique diary application that goes beyond the conventional note-taking apps available online.

Application Overview

The diary application offers a user-friendly interface for writing entries, reminiscent of a real notebook. Users can seamlessly create new entries by typing their thoughts and clicking the save button. Additionally, the application supports the inclusion of images to enhance the memory-recollection aspect.

My Diary Home

My Diary Home

Technology Stack

FrontendBackendOther Services
ReactReact Infinite Scroll Component
Material UI

Features and Functionality

Entries Page

All Entries

The Entries Page showcases all previous entries, with infinite scrolling enabled for user convenience. Entries can be sorted by date, and users can fetch entries from a selected date.

Entries By Date

Entries By Date

If an entry lacks an attached image, a random image from Unsplash is displayed. Clicking on an entry opens it in a modal for detailed viewing.

Login Page


To access the application, users must log in using their Gmail accounts, eliminating the need for password management and ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Progressive Web App

The application is designed as a progressive web app (PWA), offering seamless installation on computers and mobile devices. Users on computers will see an install button in the search box, while mobile users can install it from the browser and utilize it as a native app.

Development Insights

This project stands as a testament to creating a tailored and feature-rich diary application, leveraging a tech stack that combines the power of React, Firebase, and additional services. The PWA implementation adds another layer of convenience for users, ensuring accessibility across various devices.

GitHub (opens in a new tab)

© Shamim Fahad, 2024