
Hello, I'm Shamim 👋

Fueled by the insatiable curiosity that propels humanity forward, I'm a software engineer who thrives on turning "how can we do this?" into reality. Ever since gadgets became puzzles I craved to solve, my curiosity has led me to the magical world of code, where I build innovative solutions that push boundaries and make a real impact.

Now at Craftsmen, I'm a full-stack engineer building the next generation newsroom system, Dina. I take existing code and breathe new life ✨ into it, streamlining processes and boosting efficiency. Beyond optimization, I build new features from conception to completion, ensuring they seamlessly integrate with existing systems and empower users. My mission? To empower journalists with the tools they need to tell their stories faster, better, and with greater impact.

But I'm not just code; I'm a human fueled by curiosity and (lots!) of coffee ☕. My roots run deep in the vibrant old town of Dhaka. And my journey began at North South University, where I honed my skills in software engineering and took my first confident steps into the world of web development.

Let's build something awesome together!💥 If you have a cool idea or a project that needs a helping hand, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm always up for a challenge and a good cup of coffee!

Here's where you can find me:

© Shamim Fahad, 2024